News from the UK Tour Front

Just a quick little post to say that three gigs in to it, we're going strong, but man is the driving getting to us. The worst is within the M25 - the London Orbital (beltway), where there are endless amounts of traffic regardless of the time or day. Argh! Solutions must be found before the great swaths of time spent shifting gears in our Vauxhall Cavalier tampers with our mental state to the point where our music becomes a mechanical enterprise simulating the act of frustrated driving, a cacophonous symphony by two clownish automatons spewing out meaningless bits of drivel comical only to ourselves...the first signs of lunacy. Getting to and from Walthamstow is the hardest part, so we will be asking a friend of Michael's if we can stay at his place in southwest London, which is far closer to the M25 and to our gig destinations, and far better for our minds.
On a far more positive note, we spent an amazing day basking in the warmth of Bath, playing for a really great crowd spanning all ages and lifestyles at the Bell Inn, and had two great shows at the Simple Simon (a really neat little music venue) up in Warwick and the cool Keystone pub down in Surrey.
The first pic was taken in front of the Simple Simon, which has its own van with chalkboards on the sides to promote their upcoming shows. The second was taken yesterday in Bath.
More later, when the internet connection abides...
Well, it is good to see that the tour is going well. I hope you can manage the traffic!!!
Keep the info flowing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:59 PM
Glad it's going well....wish I could see you play, and admire the boot's new additions!
Bon courage!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:51 AM
I hope you are developing a serious chemical or psychological addiction to something to try to cope with the rigors of touring. Every little bit helps. Good!
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:10 PM
At this point it's coffee/tea and chocolate that keeps us going on the road, combined with the vitamin packs like emergen-c...the latter doing very possibly nothing but make us (umm...actually me, michael won't touch the stuff) think that the vitamins flowing through our veins our keeping our energy levels up.
Posted by
Groanbox |
12:11 PM